Bram Van Moorhem

Nice to meet you.
I'm Bram.

Taxi driver, cinema operator, journalist, car salesman, professor, MC, composer, singer or Father Christmas – the list of odd jobs is rather long. Oddly enough, all those experiences shaped me as a copywriter.

My analytical mind was sharpened as a philosophy major, my writing skills as a journalist. I got a feeling for business by setting up a few companies that gloriously failed and by studying business management to understand why they did. I’m an all round creative problem solver by making decades worth of music with zero budget (If you’re interested, check

I write fast and accurate in English and Dutch. I also think and talk French. I don’t mind the routine of day to day ad jobs, but I’ll love you better when I can come up with mind blowing concepts.

I’m good with people. Not only internally with art directors, accounts, project managers or CEO’s, but especially with clients. I love going into meetings with them and find out what makes them tick. Give me a pitch and I’ll do everything to make your agency win.

A job is satisfying if I can have, at least, one good laugh a day.

Here's some of my work:

I used my skills for these brands (and more)

… and here’s what some of my clients say about me:

Bram is one of a kind.

Being an experienced journalist and a great musician he made a career switch to advertising. He asked to intern at Publicis for a couple of weeks. Boy, were we glad to say yes.

Weeks became months, months became a year – and then some. Suddenly Bram was an important member of the Publicis team. He won pitch presentations as if he’d been an advertising professional for 10 years. He worked with different freelance art directors on all major clients. Next to his proven writing skills Bram - in no time - developed strong conceptual advertising thinking.

This gave way to campaigns like the giant wrapping paper for Orange and – for the same brand – a beautiful X-mas film, for which Bram wrote the music and the lyrics himself. Now, that’s being creative.

In other words: you can’t go wrong with him.

Tom Berth & Geert De Rocker
Creative Directors Publicis Brussels

Bram is a talented, positive thinking & hands on copywriter who combines these creative assets with great presentation skills.

Johan Parmentier
Chief Executive Officer Publicis Belgium & The Netherlands


Want to know more?
Need concept or copy?
Got a great creative project I can help out with?

Get in touch!

Bram Van Moorhem
Glans & Luister bvba
0032 (0) 496 892 831

VAT BE 0877.092.509
IBAN BE65 7330 3199 7296